Careers .

The Property Development Department is your church or school’s one-stop resource for all property-related transactions including the sale or purchase of land and buildings, renovations, new construction, permits, financing, leases, signage, and code compliance.
Our team provides you the critical resources and experience to make certain that your financial and legal interests are protected as you move forward with projects that impact the church’s property. The success of your congregation’s mission is our passion, and we stand ready to work hand-in-hand to turn your visions into reality!
The Property Development Department aids churches and schools with various property and construction issues including:
– Identifying and Acquiring Real Property
– Maintaining and Operating Real Property
– Church Property Leases
– Selling existing Real Property
– Budgeting for a Project
– Developing New Construction Projects
– Implementing Renovation Projects
– Financing and Qualifying for Loans
– Resolving Property Tax Issues
– Ensuring Governmental Code Compliance
– Managing Construction Notice Process
Call or email the Property Development Department today to find out how we can facilitate your church or school project.
The Florida Conference Camp Ministries department, located at Camp Kulaqua, extends a warm welcome to Seventh-day Adventist churches, as well as, other Christian Denominations, Civic Organizations, Educational Institutions, Families, and Community; to come and experience the Natural Beauty of Camp Kulaqua where memories are made through Worship and an array of exciting Activities.
Our goal is to provide a place where the Holy Spirit can draw as many hearts as possible to our amazing Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ through every aspect of Camp Ministry.
Please Come!
Camp Kulaqua
23400 NW 212 Avenue
High Springs, FL 32643
Office Hours: 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
The Adventurer Club is a Seventh-day Adventist Church-sponsored ministry open to all families of children in grades 1-4. Our mission is to support parents and caregivers in leading and encouraging their children in a growing, joyful love relationship with Jesus Christ.
The first few years of a child’s life sets the stage for their future. For parents/families of pre-K through fourth grade children, our Adventurer Clubs provide a safe place to encourage the development of the necessary social and interpersonal skills they need, in an environment that promotes Christian values and responsibilities.
Families will learn a variety of topics together, from character building, nature, hobbies, safety, and much more. This club also has parenting tips and resources through the family network and is designed to help you be the best parent/caregiver you can be as you partner with your child and other families to grow your kids to be the best they can be. Most clubs meet twice a month.
Our Stewardship Department is always committed to serving the stewardship-related needs of the Florida conference constituent churches. We also make ourselves available to serve the individual needs of our members who reach out to us in personal ways.
The ways in which we serve our churches include, but are not limited to:
Planning and hosting cutting edge Stewardship Workshops for Pastors and Lay Leaders (we host one such symposium per year in a different major location of the conference).
In 2017 we hosted 2 in the Central Florida region.
In 2018 we are hosting a big Stewardship Symposium in the Ft. Lauderdale church, on Tuesday, May 8th (from 9:30 am – 3:00 pm), for all the Pastors and local Stewardship leaders of the Upper and Lower Gold Regions.
Flyers are already out and much more will be done to promote it between now and then. In addition to these annual Stewardship symposiums for Pastors and Leaders of churches, that the Stewardship Department hosts, there are at least 30 weekends that are set apart for Stewardship seminars in local churches in a given year. As long as the church leadership requests one of these seminars, which include a Friday evening commitment and Testimony service, Sabbath morning stewardship sermon, and a Sabbath afternoon Seminar/workshop. These workshops are designed to educate church members in the area of Finance Management and other healthy financial practices.
The Stewardship department is also dedicated to serving the local churches with requested Stewardship resource material. Several of the local churches have reached out to us for such resources or they go directly to and order what they need.
Presently, we are working to prepare, and make available to all our institutions and youth and children group, a stewardship curriculum designed to educate and motivate our younger members at a very early age.
¡Bienvenidos! Es para nosotros grato contar con su visita y compartir con usted los planes, iniciativas, estrategias y desafíos con los que estamos comprometidos para hacer de nuestra misión y de nuestra visión una feliz realidad en la vida e cada uno de nuestros 17,779 miembros en las 106 congregaciones hispanas.
La misión de los Ministerios en español del estado la Florida está basada en preparar discípulos maduros en comunidades bíblicas para la venida de Jesús.
Nuestra visión es liderar y lograr un movimiento misionero sólido formando discípulos auténticos en todas nuestras iglesias de habla hispana para llegar efectivamente a personas de todas las edades y culturas para el reino de los cielos.
Tanto nuestra misión como nuestra visión se cumplen cuando permitimos que el Espíritu Santo nos guíe para acercarnos, prepararnos y equipar discípulos en todas nuestras campañas de evangelismo, convenciones, talleres de capacitación e interacciones cotidianas con otros.
Con esmero y a propósito atendemos la comisión de nuestro Señor Jesucristo de ir y hacer discípulos en todos nuestros programas y todo lo que planificamos.
También deseamos integrar los valores de amor, gracia, esperanza, integridad, respeto, lealtad y dedicación en todos nuestros esfuerzos misioneros para llegar a nuestras comunidades proclamando la salvación en Cristo Jesús.
La proyección anual y el énfasis de nuestro ministerio es llegar a tener iglesias llenas de discípulos auténticos. Con esto en mente, nos proyectamos hacia el futuro como sigue:
Le invitamos a vincularse a la gran familia adventista hispana de la Florida y a compartir la bienaventurada esperanza del pronto regreso de Cristo Jesús.
En este sitio web usted podrá encontrar útiles contenidos sobre nuestros diferentes ministerios de servicio, anuncios de eventos y proyectos que están próximos a desarrollarse.
En el servicio al Señor y a usted quedo,
Abdiel del Toro
The Medical Cadet Corps, also known as “MCC”, is a ministry of the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists. The GC Chaplain’s Department oversees MCC for the world church.
The aim is to “train and equip members to provide spiritual comfort or “Spiritual First Aid,” and other services such as first aid, relief, rescue, humanitarian aid in times of emergency and disaster, as well as logistical support to all Seventh-day Adventist Church activities and programs as requested.” GC – MCC Manual, p. 11.
MCC was started back in the 1930’s and has a history of helping train Adventist young people to get basic medical training that could be of service if engaged in serving as medics in the US armed forces.
Today, MCC aims to connect Cadets through government disaster and relief agencies to assist as needed.
MCC also includes a regimen of physical exercises, and promotes mental and physical discipline.
The official age at which one can begin cadet training is eighteen.
For a full explanation of the MCC history, please reference the GC MCC Manual.
Disabilities Ministries began in 1989 when the North American Division formed a Commision for People with Disabilities whose purpose was to examine needs and create effective solutions for members with disabilities, provide awareness and education for all Seventh-day Adventists, learn to evangelize people with disabilities, and ultimately impact church practice so that people with disabilities are always considered in all areas of church life. In 1995 at the World Church Annual Session in Utrecht, The Netherlands, it was voted to install a Disabilities Ministries Coordinator within all churches throughout the world.
Today, we find Ministry to People with Disabilities (as listed in the SDA Manual) as strong, effective, and persevering ministry. Hundreds of churches throughout North America have active Disabilities Ministries Coordinators and numerous Unions and Conferences have established denominational leadership that give guidance and support to this predominantly lay effort.
Our Mission is to Create Disabilities Ministries that brings empowerment to the physically challenged community through partnership in ministry and community projects.
We are of a life-changing movement impacting all segments of society with intentionality and love, with a special emphasis on helping people live effectively in preparation for the return of Jesus. Such effectual living encompasses the three key elements of mind, body, and spirit. This emphasis has led us to develop an extensive Protestant educational system and an international network of hospitals and health clinics.
In our local churches, members are eager to assist in your personal spiritual journey. We welcome the opportunity to partner with you in overcoming whatever challenges you may face, so you can experience the greatest possible health and happiness today and for all eternity.
Florida Conference of Seventh-day Adventists is an unincorporated, nonprofit organization which serves as the administrative body for its sisterhood of churches with emphasis on evangelism, nurturing constituents, and operating a system of schools. The Seventh-day Adventist Church is a mainstream, protestant, Bible-believing denomination with more than 18 million believers worldwide.
The territory of Florida Conference, organized in 1893, includes the entire state except Bay, Calhoun, Escambia, Gulf, Holmes, Jackson, Okaloosa, Santa Rosa, Walton, and Washington counties which belong to Gulf States Conference. As of March 2017, more than 64,000 Adventists are Florida Conference members at 208 churches, 57 companies, and least 32 mission groups.
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Store Hours:
Sunday: 10:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m.
Monday-Wednesday: 9:00 a.m.-5:30 p.m.
Thursday: 9:00 a.m.-7:00 p.m.
Friday: 9:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m.
Saturday: Closed
Deli Hours:
Sunday: Closed
Monday-Thursday: 11:30am-2:30pm
Friday: 11:30 a.m.-2:00 p.m.
Saturday: Closed
Camp Kulaqua General Store (ABC Branch)
23400 NW 212 Ave.
High Springs, FL 32643
Phone: (386) 454-7956?•?Fax: (386) 454-7976
Sunday: 10:00 am-3:00 pm
Monday-Wednesday: 9:00 am – 5:30 pm
Thursday: 9:00 am -7:00 pm
Friday: 9:00 am – 3:00 pm
Saturday: Closed
*open for special events as needed
Express Delivery Schedule
Avoid shipping costs by placing an ABC order to be delivered to a location as scheduled below. Orders must be made by phone or e-mail before 5:30 p.m. on the Thursday before a scheduled Sunday delivery: (407) 644-4255 or